Saying goodbye to your beloved pet is never easy, but we’re here to help. Our goal is to make your pet’s final moments with you as peaceful as possible.
One of the more difficult parts of the process is figuring out when the best time is to start thinking about compassionate euthanasia options for your pet. We know that it’s a very personal decision, and that every animal and family is different. 4Paws offers in-home quality of life exams where we can talk you through your pet’s specific situation. We also understand that you want to be sure of your decision, which is why we provide second opinions where we’ll review your pet's records, provide options, and review medical plans with you.
Being able to say goodbye to a pet in the peaceful setting of your own home means that you can provide a comfortable setting by surrounding them with all the people and things that they love. This helps make their final moments just a little bit less stressful, and it allows your family to grieve in relative privacy. There are no anxiety-inducing car rides to a Veterinary Clinic, cold and sterile exam rooms, or hard floors for them to lay on. Instead, they can have their best toy in their favorite spot of the house.